I am a: *
Expected Date of Graduation *
Required Components
Core Course
The Making of Asian Studies
Competency in one Asian Language
Please provide details about your language acquisition activities.
Is this language your parental language? *
If yes, please proceed to next section.
Two Research Papers with Clear Asian Content
Please note that the paper submitted for the core course is NOT ELIGIBLE.
This paper was submitted to fulfuil the requirements of the core course—The Making of Asian Studies *
This paper was submitted to fulfuil the requirements of the core course—The Making of Asian Studies *
Fieldwork or other experience in the Asian geographic region or in the Diaspora
Briefly summarize your research, including where it took place, when, how it relates to your MRP/thesis/ dissertation, and any comments about the overall experience. If it may not be clear to the committee, please link your research to Asia or Asian diaspora themes. The report should not exceed one page single spaced. Upload as a PDF or Word document.
I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance. *